1. What if the set doesn’t fit into my school’s venue?
PALINK sets have been specifically designed and manufactured to fit into multiple venues. Once we have the specifications of your theatre venue, our designer and builder appropriate each set for different size venues.
2. What is cost-sharing and how does it work?
1. Choose a show from a popular range of musicals.
2. We then match your show selection with 'like-minded' schools.
3. When a match is made, we contact you and make an offer for your next school production.
3. Do show packages come with lighting and sound?
Standard show-packages do not come with sound and lighting. However, through our industry partnerships we can source the right people for the job on your behalf.
4. Does a school have to share a set? What if we decide that we want our own show built?
No. You do not have to share a set. If you have a specific design/concept in mind for your next production, PALINK will work with you to realise your vision.
5. Can students work backstage or in some other technical capacity during these shows?
Yes, our industry mentors are on site during the production rental to train your students crews. Students benefit from learning ‘on the job’ with an experienced industry professional.
6. When is the set installed?
As part of the standard show-package, PALINK sets are installed into your venue 8 days prior to opening night. We have found this to be an ideal amount of time, however, you can elect to hire the set for a longer period of time if required.
7. How do we work without a set at school during the rehearsals?
Show-packages also include a user-friendly 3D set model and design renderings, that take the guess work out of stage blocking and choreography. Our Education Director will also visit your school before your rehearsals start to answer any questions and explain how you can best utilise your rehearsal space.
8. Why am I asked to provide three show preferences when registering for a cost sharing solution?
PALINK matches schools by asking for three show preferences because it increases your chances of finding a cost sharing solution. If you nominate one show only then that is perfectly ok – we will do our best to find a cost sharing solution that works.
9. How much will all this cost? When do I find out what the bottom line is?
We understand that for those responsible for production budgets, this is an important question. Once we have found a show-package that works best for your school, an official offer is made that includes all costings for your convenience
Click here for terms and conditions relating to all PALINK customers, current and future.