Tudor inspired archways frame the action and create an open space for Emerald City, Munchkin Land and Kansas.
A versatile and effective set that will suit larger casts. Tudor inspired archways frame the action and create an open space for Emerald City, Munchkin Land and Kansas. Upstage, a 10m wide catwalk acts as a ‘stage within a stage’ and can accommodate a large volume of performers. A highlight of this set is a 4m high fulcrum ‘flying’ machine for Glinda and The Wizard. Two platform staircases give extra levels and create a versatile playing space for Kiamo Castle.
Show Props
Puppet Wizard Head with LX & carriage Fulcrum flying machine for Glinda and Wizard
Farm house on base (tilt-able)
Corn and poppy fields
Yellow brick road
Glinda bubble attachment for fulcrum Wizard hot air balloon basket for fulcrum Gypsy caravan - profile cut out